Wednesday, 30 March 2011

Old Malton North Yorkshire

Wentworh Arms Old Malton
Directly to the north of Malton, about 1/2 mile from the town centre, lies the village of Old Malton.

It sits between the northen fringes of Malton and the southern edge of the A64T York to Scarborough road, known as the 'Malton Bypass'

Town street is the main street and is relatively linear in form though winding to a degree, with development straddling both sides of Town Street.  Further development is found along the road spur known as Westgate.

There is a broad mix of dwelling types found within the village ranging from terraced cottages to individual dwellings.  Stone buildings with pantile coverings do make up the majority of the built form providing an aesthetically pleasant outlook.

St Marys Old Malton
The settlement is a Conservation Area and there are a substantial amount of listed buildings.

The village has a good number of amenities including two public houses, a village hall, and St Marys priory church, dating in part to the 12th Century.

The River Derwent flows north south to the east side of the village.

The Rugby Ground and 'Orchard Fields' on the southern fringes satisfyingly detach the settlement from the urban spread of larger township to the south.